My post is still about my London trip of October.

I wish to catch up soon.

I visited London in October and enjoyed afternoon tea, shopping and musical.

I actually stayed in London for a few months before and  had visited most popular spots, such as London Tower, British Museum.

So, at this time, I visit Cotswolds.

I join a day bus trip by Japan’s travel agency.

Tour guide is also Japanese and gives us guides in Japanese.

First spot we visit is Bibury.

It’s a small village about 3-4 hours away from London.

And next spot is Bourton on the water.

It’s bigger than Bibury.

I have fish and chips lunch here.

Okay, next spot. Stow on the wold.


It has got a nice church.

And nice town hall.

And finally, last spot, Chipping Campden.

I am tired and just enjoy a hot chocolate in a cafe.

My review for overall cotswolds trip is

soooooo boring!!!! lol

I should not say Cotswolds is boring but I am tired.

It means it wasn’t a good place for me.

Go back to the original motivation why I visit U.K.

I live in small island, Guam, and wanted to refresh myself in urban city, London.

So, country side doesn’t match my purpose of trip, of course.

Though I didn’t enjoy Cotswolds, I enjoyed U.K.

<To be continued to next post>

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